dilluns, 28 de febrer del 2011


a MUM of four was jailed today for seducing a 13 years old she dubbed " Rude boy" on her mobile phone.
Perverted Kerry Lee, 25, sent the lad dozens of text messages inviting him to her home at 2am. The messages read: "Are you still awake? if you are, come round "," Love you" and " See you in the morning babe". A judge heard that brunette Lee then carried out sexual acts on the schoolboy who became " besotted" with her. Prosecutor Marion Lewis told Cardiff crown court: " Lee saved his number on her phone as Rude Boy and sent him 28 text messages in a week. " He didn't ser her any text messages because her never had any credit. The way he would respond is to go over to her house. The relationship came to an end when the boys shocked mother found love bites on his neck and called police. Mr. Lewis added: " The boy said they had been boyfriend and girlfriend for about a week. He said the relationship with her kissing him. She asked him whether he would like to come and sleep with her in her bed,
Single parent Lee, of wildmill, Bridgend, claimed the boy " had a crush" on her and had made uo the allegations after she rejected him. But she was found guilty of four charges of sexual activity with a child and jailed for 18 months today.

diumenge, 27 de febrer del 2011


Time goes too fast. It has been "two days" ,in a manner of speaking ,since we were in primary school with no responsabilities, we were younger... and now I'm here, doing and English work for second of Batxillerat. Next week is holiday, then Easter, then Selectivitat, then summer, then University... The hours, days, weeks, months pass so quickly!

I would like to " stay young like Dorian Grey", but I know that this is impossible, I think that I have to take advantatge of all the moments in my life. Live my life to the limit. Enjoy all that I can before it is too late.

Perhaps we are making time to go to quickly by always trying to do too many things. Perhaps we are always looking forward too much. We should enjoy the day we are in not be looking forward to weekends, holidays, etc. Perhaps we all need to stop looking at the clock and relax.

The consequences of FAME!

Fame is a thing that all the world would like to have; the money, the clothes, the big houses ,the expensives cars ... but fame has a price like privacy, no freedom, you must always have a perfect image and behaviour.

I think that if you want fame, you must be a very responsable person, with a strong character, etc. to be able to withstand the pressures and temptations. Many young people do not have the necessary characteristics. Look at the examples of : Hannah Montana, Demi Lovato, Paris Hilton, Drew Barrymore, Wayne Roony ( English football player) all became famous young and the consequences have been disasterous.

They have problems with drugs, alcohol, prostitute, attitude and more problems that we don't know.

My favourite sport

In general , I like sport, all team sports like football, tennis, volleyball... but my favourite sport is football ; I like it very much. I played football from five years old, in the team of my village. Last year this team was broke up because all my friends left, the trainer go to other team... and I dicided to play five a side football. At the beggining I thought it was very boring but after when I started to play I saw that this sport was fun and more dynamic than normall football.

I played five a side football for one year, then my team again broke up and now the team is in figueras. I would have liked to continue but to go to Figueras three times a week takes up too much time because I'm in second of Batxillerat and I have to study. At the moment studying is my priority and my future.

In conclusion I like football very much and I hope in the future I can start to play again.

dissabte, 5 de febrer del 2011

Extra weeks holidays ( February best time)

This year the Government changed the school holidays. They removed one week in September and put this week at the end of February. In September it's the end of the summer holidays and when you thought that you could have had one more week of holidays, you feel that you have been deprived like you have had a week taken from you. All the first week of school, you feal bad and not prepared to start work again.

However, now it is February and soon we will have this extra weeks holidays. This is like an extra susprise and we forget about the week we "lost" in September.

Also I think that now this change is very good because on the 11th of March the second term finishes and I have a lot of work, exams, etc. and for this, this week will be useful to relieve the pressure and rest. Then I can start the third term with work finished and with myself recharged.


I started ESO when I was younger, 12 years old. ESO is four years long and to graduate you have do these four years. After that, you can try two options: 1- go to work or 2- continue your studies doing batxillerat or spacialist studies.

I tried de second option, batxillerat studies, especially social batxillerat. This change was very big because, in a manner of speaking, ESO appears too easy in comparison to batxillerat.

Last year I started to do first of batxillerat and I addapted very well, but my main problem was English. In ESO the teachers didn't insist we work a lot, they didn't put pressure on us, because of this English wasn't important to me. To start batxillerat I saw that the leavel of all the subjects were very complex, especially, English, and since this moment I knew that I had to do something with English. I started private classes of English and all started yo get better.

This year also I am doing private classes and still have some problems with English but a lot less than before