dissabte, 6 de novembre del 2010

ReSeArCh PrOjEcT

My research project
The research project is a work that all the students os second of batxillerat have to do, and if soomeone doesn't do it, the student can't pass the whole course.
My research project is about tobacco and the affect this has on teenagers. At the beginning it was very difficult to start because I had to think about how to organise the body of the woek, the index, the information to be included, etc.
However, once I got started, it became easier. I had to research information from various sources like: internet, encyclopaedias, magazine reports and more.

Initially I wanted to do my research project on "escoliosis" but the teachers told me that I couldn't because the theme is more for a science student.
After I tried to do my work about one drug (marijuana) but again my idea was rejected because there was too much information and it would be difficult to organise.

Finally I tried other drug: tobacco, and now I'm about finish my research project

3 comentaris:

  1. All of us we have a lot of problems with the reserch project. Personally,I'm very nervous with that,I'm frightened to can't finished all and fail:(

  2. Don't worry, Sergi!! We will pass the research project... we don't organise our time but we will be able to solve our problems on time!

  3. I think that you chose a good topic for research project, because this topic affects very young people. Before it was men who smoked more, but nowadays it is woman.
    Moreover I don’t agree that some teachers do not direct this project.
