dilluns, 25 d’abril del 2011

The death penalty

Nowaday in Spain the death penalty doesn't exist. I think that if a country uses the death penalty they have to be very sure that they have all the evidence and know that the person is guilty. If they make a mistake and execute someone, they cannot change the result. There have been examples where after years of being in prison someone has been found to be innocent.

On the other hand, for example, if in the future I have a child and someone hurts, violates or kills my child I would want yhem to suffer the same. In the bible it says: " An eye for and eye, a tooth for a tooth". If someone kills another person, that person should also be killed.

The death penalty only exists now in some states of America and in some Asian countries. I believe in revenge but I still have to think that if they make a mistake, then someone innocent dies.

In conclusion I think that the death penalty in our country, Spain, should exist because there are more cases of violent crimes, murders, sexual violations... that with the death penalty, maybe, there wouldn't be so many cases like these. However, I also think that when applying the feath penalty we must be sure that the person convicted is the correct one because this person could die accused of a thing that he it had nothing to do with! Here we have a big problem, the worst problem about having or not having the death penalty.

dijous, 21 d’abril del 2011

Formal Letter

Almogavers street, nº10

Castelló d'Empúries, Girona


14th april 2011

Jonh Ritch

Director general

World Nuclear Organization

White Street, nº14


Dear Mr Ritch I am a student at IES Castelló d'Empúries and I'm writting to inform you of My opinions about Nuclear power stations. Every Year more power stations are built and I know that we need power for bussines and in general for all people, but I don't believe that we need to depend on nuclear energy; I think that we should for search alternatives energies.

After the recent disaster in Japan, we should be trying to prevent anything like this happening againd at least we should make sure that all power stations are safe. New safety precautions should be implemented. I know this involves spending a lot of money but so many people have died in Japan, it is the minimum that we can do.

I don't believe near a power station, there are only 4 nuclear power stations in Catalonia, but in France there ara more than 30. The products produced by a nuclear disaster can affect countries sorrounding; look at what happened in Hiroshima! I think that we need to do something. I hope that you agree.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

diumenge, 10 d’abril del 2011

The more the world develops... The greater it's thirst for energy

Today, all of countries, use a lot of energy; energy for them is indispensable. For them to survive, for us to survive.

In 1800 with the Industrial Revolution, the big countries like USA, United Kingdom, France, Germany... started a race to be the first in everything, for example: in economy, energy, consume, etc.

Until 10 years ago, the consequences of this growth were not evident. It is only now that we are aware of the consequences.

Also these countries to arrive at this level of development they have put in a lot of money! But I think that the money is not the most important; the most important and also the most biggest error is that in the desire to develop so quickly and the need for energy power supplies to develop, these countries have not considered the environment. The developers have destroyed rainforests; they have caused huge amounts of pollution; there have been disasters with oil tankers and nuclear explosions (An example of that is Japan).

In conclusionj I think that tecnology, development... of a country is not bad, but the problem appears when do not think about the problems that can arrive after the "abuse" of our world because maybe in this moment we don't see the consequences but later they become clear often too late. What will happen when our energy resources finish? how will all this development function without oil, gas, electricity? NOTHING LAST FOREVER!

diumenge, 3 d’abril del 2011

Home Alone

Last weekend my parents and my brother went to Germany for visit cities like Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and Cologne. My parents asked me if I wanted to go with them, but I said that because of exams, homework, etc. It was better that I didn't go, to make things worse for to finish the course, we only miss one month!

When I thought well, without parents, alone in my home... PARTY! I should organise a party! In these cases it's the "normal" thing, but how I knew that my parents go out only for two days, I organise some thing more than "normal" than a party, a BBQ! I told all of my friends: " this night BBQ in my home! you must bring meat snacks, crisps... or something like that. The BBQ went very well.

Everything has a bad part. My parents trusted me and also to look after the house and do things like sweep the floor, wash plates, look after the dog, etc. This was a lot of work! But I managed to do everything and also have a good time!

Now, I know the good work of my mum.

Animal Cruelty

Everyone loves animals, especially when they are young. Many people get small animals or give small animals for Christmas or birthdays. All is good until the animal starts to grow. Then the problems start.

Animals are a responsibility, like a child. An animal needs food, you have to clean them, walk them. You have to look after them. When they start to grow they start to make problems; dog eats objects, cats destroy the furniture, etc.

What do the people do? They abandon the animals or leave them outside all day and all night. When the people are tired of the animal, they dicide to leave the animal. You could not do this to a child!

Here in Castelló the animal sanctuary "Progat" is over capacity with abandoned cats and dogs. Do not buy or accept an animal unless you're prepared to look after it all of its life.