Today, all of countries, use a lot of energy; energy for them is indispensable. For them to survive, for us to survive.
In 1800 with the Industrial Revolution, the big countries like USA, United Kingdom, France, Germany... started a race to be the first in everything, for example: in economy, energy, consume, etc.
Until 10 years ago, the consequences of this growth were not evident. It is only now that we are aware of the consequences.
Also these countries to arrive at this level of development they have put in a lot of money! But I think that the money is not the most important; the most important and also the most biggest error is that in the desire to develop so quickly and the need for energy power supplies to develop, these countries have not considered the environment. The developers have destroyed rainforests; they have caused huge amounts of pollution; there have been disasters with oil tankers and nuclear explosions (An example of that is Japan).
In conclusionj I think that tecnology, development... of a country is not bad, but the problem appears when do not think about the problems that can arrive after the "abuse" of our world because maybe in this moment we don't see the consequences but later they become clear often too late. What will happen when our energy resources finish? how will all this development function without oil, gas, electricity? NOTHING LAST FOREVER!
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